Allysa's Quatoes

"Whatever the Challenge, never give up".

Monday 23 April 2012


Finally I had finish my exam. Holiday time. Yohhh! I want to watch Avengers and Snow white and the Huntsman.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Stupid day

My student stoled my pencil last Sunday and I didn't know who he was. I was very sad because that pencil is precious to me. I will never find it. I hope whoever stole it will give it back to me next Saturday but I think it is impossible. I went to cinema alone that day due to my bad mood. I watch the movie 'We are not naughty' (Singapore movie). It's a good story and educated me a lot. At that moment, I think that although a pencil lost I still can buy another. It only cost RM 6.90. Why should I feel angry and sad about it? But, until now, I still haven't go and buy a new one. Maybe I will wait until I got my salary than I will get a new one.

I have a hair cut today. I went to three barber shop this morning and they were not open. Why they were not open today? I hate it when I have to go other shop to cut my hair. It was not bad when I finally have my hair cut but it was so expensive. It surprised me. By the way, I still like to go to the shop that I used to go. 

Saturday 7 April 2012


Going to Sibu International Tuition school really give me a lot of experience although I haven't start teaching yet. I learn about the teaching aids that will be very useful in my whole life! No wonder a lot of kindergarden students going there! I'm glad I can go there to learn. Someday, I want to open my own  tuition class!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

My Real Feelings Right Now

I just saw my Educational Psychology and Learning Skills assignment. I am surprised that I got 34.67 marks for both of my assignment. It is the first time I got a very good marks. Thanks God for helping me. 

But I'm curious of one thing. The course assessment there write assignment full marks is 30%. Why the report there is 40%. I really hope that it is 40% for assignment. That's mean that the exam is 60%. 

I'm really happy now if my marks is 34.67% out of 40%. Hurray!!!

Monday 2 April 2012


My exam is coming this Sunday. What is my feelings now? OMG....I still have a lot to study. I'm going to burn the mid-night oil now!
