Allysa's Quatoes

"Whatever the Challenge, never give up".

Tuesday 3 April 2012

My Real Feelings Right Now

I just saw my Educational Psychology and Learning Skills assignment. I am surprised that I got 34.67 marks for both of my assignment. It is the first time I got a very good marks. Thanks God for helping me. 

But I'm curious of one thing. The course assessment there write assignment full marks is 30%. Why the report there is 40%. I really hope that it is 40% for assignment. That's mean that the exam is 60%. 

I'm really happy now if my marks is 34.67% out of 40%. Hurray!!!


  1. Emmm.....congratualation that u get a good result for ur assignment......that means u more suitable be a teacher....haha....

  2. Emmm.....congratualation that u get a good result for ur assignment......that means u more suitable be a teacher....haha....

  3. Haha....still not sure exam today very lousy....I spot question but only 4 came out! Haiz....hope I'll pass tis subject but luckily my assignment help me! At Curtin, my assignment only pass although I work very hard! Very angry that time when I saw my exam came out! Maybe now easier!

  4. Haha.....dun worry.....if gt assignment marks will help u pass the exam....may be every college nt same system bah..haha

  5. Ya...the marking system not the same

  6. also wanna start my exam leh....

