Allysa's Quatoes

"Whatever the Challenge, never give up".

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Stupid day

My student stoled my pencil last Sunday and I didn't know who he was. I was very sad because that pencil is precious to me. I will never find it. I hope whoever stole it will give it back to me next Saturday but I think it is impossible. I went to cinema alone that day due to my bad mood. I watch the movie 'We are not naughty' (Singapore movie). It's a good story and educated me a lot. At that moment, I think that although a pencil lost I still can buy another. It only cost RM 6.90. Why should I feel angry and sad about it? But, until now, I still haven't go and buy a new one. Maybe I will wait until I got my salary than I will get a new one.

I have a hair cut today. I went to three barber shop this morning and they were not open. Why they were not open today? I hate it when I have to go other shop to cut my hair. It was not bad when I finally have my hair cut but it was so expensive. It surprised me. By the way, I still like to go to the shop that I used to go. 


  1. hey, girl....dun be so sad.....think about frm the others side......may be that student is so poor and cnt buy a new, just let it be a present for the student.....很多事情如果你只往一个角度想,只会让自己不开心。但是如果你换个角度想,很多事情都会不一样。生活中不如意的事十之八九,所以不要担心,一切都会好转的。

    last nite, me also go watch a movie call"battle ship".nice movie.....go watch movie when me back sibu....everytime cnt watch with u lo...

  2. Because your house is far ba...haha...okay...on....we are going when you back!!!

